Nutrition While Nursing - Guest Blogger Alana Leger

Nursing burns roughly 200-500 calories per day (this is above what you needed to maintain your pre pregnancy weight)- keep in mind without a weight loss plan you are already burning extra calories.
Focus for weight loss while nursing will be on what types of foods we are intaking, nutrient dense whole foods will be what gets us results while allowing milk supply to stay full (which we want!).
Supplements, and the most reliable supplements, will also be key in getting the most nutrients for the body which allows our body to work the way we are asking it to.
Energy, more restful sleep (when baby allows), lean tissue gain (will burn fat long term for us!), and proper absorption of our foods.
Calories- eating at least 1550-1800 calories per day while
nursing. Most women should stay at the high end of this range
Going below 1550 can put milk supply at risk.
Weight loss is best to be kept at a slower rate for the first 6 weeks, averaging around 0.8 - 1.5lbs down per week to ensure no change in milk supply.
A Sudden drop in calories can affect milk supply which is why we want to go slow and make it lifestyle.
Eating 5- 6 small meals per day will be best practice to avoid feeling hungry, as well as ensuring we are focusing on results while not allowing our body to go into “starvation mode”.
Meals could be looked at as Breakfast, Lunch, Snack, Dinner,
Exercise will be key to feeling stronger, increasing energy & losing fat.
Resistance training 2-4 times per week will burn more calories long term as our body gains lean muscle (we wont get bulky ever!!), lean muscle over time will rid of body fat!
Strength training is easier that
Plan your week every Sunday night- write out 4 blocks of 20 minutes each where you can strength train from home, or the gym if that is your thing!
“A real mom; Emotional, yet the rock. Tired, but keeps going.
Worried, but full of hope. Impatient, yet so very patient.
Overwhelmed, but never quits. Amazing, even in chaos. Life
Changer every single day.”
Even in the chaos, the exhaustion, the days that feel so long I
am here to support you to make some time for you! Stronger,
healthier, happier mom will travel so much further than just
yourself. The whole family will follow!

Barbella Studio
5054 Fairview St. Burlington